The comprehensive guide for home care of flowers purchased from us at Buby Bloom

Buying a bouquet of flowers for the home can instantly brighten any space, and add a touch of natural beauty and a stunning fragrance. There is nothing more beautiful than a stunning vase, full of vibrant and colorful flowers placed in the right way.

However, in order to get the most out of the flowers purchased from us at Buby Bloom and to ensure their longevity, it is essential to provide the flowers with the appropriate care. With a few simple tips and tricks, you can keep your flowers looking vibrant and fresh for as long as possible. In this comprehensive guide that we wrote especially for you, we will accompany you in the process of caring for the flowers purchased from us at Buby Bloom, and we will deal with various aspects to maximize their lifespan.

  1. Prepare the vase: start by choosing a clean vase that fits the size of your bouquet. Washing the vase thoroughly with warm water and soap will remove any bacteria or residue from previous uses. Wash the vase well and fill it with fresh water at room temperature. For additional reinforcement, you can add a flower preservation fertilizer, which you can get from us at Buby Bloom or prepare at home using a mixture of water, sugar and a few drops of bleach. The preservation fertilizer provides nutrients, helps inhibit the growth of bacteria in the vase and extends the life of your flowers.
  2. Re-cut: In most cases, we cut the stems before delivery to the customer. If a long time has passed from the moment of purchase to the immersion in the water or you want to change the water after a few days. It is recommended to renew a cut for the stems. Using sharp, clean scissors or a flower knife, cut about one inch from the bottom of each stem at a 45 degree angle. This diagonal cut increases the surface area, allowing the flowers to absorb water more efficiently. Leaves that are submerged in water should be removed, as they can promote bacterial growth and shorten the life span of the flowers. If you notice pulpy or slimy stems, trim them to ensure a fresh cut.
  3. Correct placement of the flowers: Find the ideal place for the flowers in your home, taking into account factors such as direct sunlight, heat sources and winds. While some flowers may benefit from direct sunlight, most prefer indirect light. Exposure to heat or winds can cause flowers to wilt quickly. A cool area out of direct sunlight is usually best. Avoid placing the flowers near ripening fruit or produce, as they release ethylene gas, which accelerates the aging process of the flowers.
  4. Water: Check the water level in the vase regularly and fill it as needed. Flowers drink a significant amount of water, especially in the first few days. Every two to three days, empty the vase, rinse it well, and refill it with fresh water. This helps prevent the accumulation of bacteria and keeps the water clean and clear. If the water becomes cloudy, it means there are bacteria, and you should change the water immediately.
  5. Remove wilted flowers: Unfortunately, the flowers will begin to wilt at some point. As soon as a flower begins to wither or fade, remove it from the vase. This prevents the production of ethylene gas, which can affect the rest of the flowers. By removing tired flowers, you also encourage the remaining flowers to bloom and extend their lifespan. The withered flowers from the bouquet can be pruned or trimmed gently, in order to ensure not to damage the surrounding healthy blooms.
  6. Avoid overhandling: While it may be tempting to touch and rearrange your flowers frequently, overhandling can damage delicate petals and foliage. Instead, place them gently by using a clean finger or wearing gloves. Avoid squeezing the stems hard, as this can limit water intake. Reducing unnecessary contact will help your flowers stay fresh and vibrant for longer.
  7. Spraying water and humidity: A number of delicate flowers, such as orchids, benefit from a light spray of water to maintain their humidity levels. Use a clean spray bottle filled with room temperature water to lightly moisten the flowers without saturating them. In addition, some flowers, such as hydrangeas, can benefit from a full immersion in water for an hour or two before arranging them in a vase. This allows them to absorb water through their petals and helps them maintain their swelling.
  8. Flower food and additives: Besides preservatives, there are other natural additives that you can use to extend the life of your flowers. For example, adding a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar to the vase water. Alternatively, a little bleach and sugar as mentioned in section 1. can help regulate the acidity level and prevent bacterial growth.
  9. Temperature Control: Maintaining the correct temperature can significantly affect the lifespan of your flowers. Most flowers prefer cooler temperatures, ideally between 16 and 22 degrees Celsius. Avoid placing the flowers in a place that is too hot or too cold. You can use ice cubes or place the vase in a cool place overnight to help extend the life of the bouquet.
  10. Enjoy the full bloom: keep in mind that different flowers have varying lifespans. Some blooms, such as roses or cypresses, may last longer than others, such as tulips or gerberas. Embrace the natural cycle of your flowers and appreciate their beauty at every stage, from tightly closed bud to full bloom. Take the time to admire and enjoy your flowers, knowing that you have given them the best possible care.

Conclusions to summarize: proper care of store-bought flowers involves a combination of providing appropriate irrigation, maintaining a suitable environment and removing wilted blooms. By following these comprehensive guidelines, you can extend the life of your flowers and enjoy their beauty as long as possible. Remember, a little attention and care goes a long way in keeping your flower arrangement fresh, vibrant and beautiful to look at. With the right care, the flowers purchased from us at the store will continue to brighten your home and bring a feeling of natural beauty for days to come.

Hope you enjoy your flowers for a long time!
We at Buby Bloom are always here for any question you may have and for any help.


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