Regulations and website usage policy


The Buby Bloom website  (hereafter: “the website”) is the Israeli home site of the Buby Bloom brand   (hereafter: ” Buby Bloom ,”) specializing in flower design and arrangement. The site offers its customers products and services in the field of flower design and interweaving.

The user of the site declares and undertakes that he has read the regulations and that he agrees to its instructions.

The user of the site declares and undertakes that he has read the regulations and that he agrees to its instructions.

Terms of Use

The website can be used for any other purpose.

Any person who is over 18 years of age and has a valid credit card from one of the credit companies active in Israel may purchase products and/or services on the site, provided that the above have been met in aggregate:

  1.  The buyer’s credit company approved the execution of the transaction.
  2. The purchased products are in stock.
  3. The buyer has a personal e-mail on the Internet, except if the transaction is a telephone transaction.
  4. The address where the service must be provided is within Buby Bloom’s distribution area.

The purchase on the website

The purchase of products appearing on the website through the website will be possible subject to taking the following steps:

  • First select the product and click add to cart;
  • Select a desired delivery date.
  • You must specify the address for delivery, the recipient’s details and desired delivery times.
  • Please note that every order involves a shipping fee.
  • A greeting should be noted.
  • Payment method details such as credit card must be entered
  • An order number and confirmation will be sent to your personal email.

If you have chosen a product on the website and want to pay in cash – please contact the phone number 074-7650070.

Policies and Services

The photos taken on the website represent the products and are for illustration only.

can change at its discretion from time to time the variety of products and prices on the site (including expenses due to shipping).

In the event that an order is made to purchase a bouquet or flower arrangement displayed on the website and it turns out that it is sold out (whether due to the seasonality of the flowers or due to running out of stock),  Buby Bloom will provide the buyer with a product similar to the product ordered by him, in the colors and/or type of products ordered in the original order.

And in the event that any other product displayed on the website is sold out,  Buby Bloom will send the buyer an appropriate message via e-mail or by phone.  Buby Bloom reserves the right to submit an offer to purchase an alternative product of a similar nature and price. If the buyer approves, his order details will be updated accordingly, and if not, his order will be deleted, and his credit card will not be charged.

Delivery time and shipping

As far as orders that are placed and confirmed on the website between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm (on Friday – until 2:00 pm) – the shipment will be delivered to the recipient within 4-6 hours from the moment the order is confirmed. An order placed on the website after 16:00 will be delivered the next day when the delivery time will be coordinated with the sender or at his request with the recipient.

Since we send the orders in an air-conditioned vehicle, it is clarified that the delivery time is approximate and may change due to various variables beyond our control, including weather conditions, road changes, traffic congestion, availability of couriers and/or products and/or any other impediment beyond our control

A shipment that returned to the branch or it turned out that the original address was different will require the orderer to pay additional shipping fees in order to send the order a second time to the original destination or to another destination .

Transaction cancellation policy

Any buyer who requested to purchase on the site, and who wishes to cancel his request, will notify him within one hour of the date he sent his request (or the date of making telephone contact with the company). If the order is to be made on another day, it will be possible to give a cancellation notice up to 5 hours before the order is made during business hours. The notice of cancellation will be given via the phone number 074-7650070. Cancellation of the operation will be possible as long as the products have not yet been sent by Buby Bloom and/or someone on its behalf to the address given in the offer. Cancellation of the purchase of any other product (which is non-perishable as mentioned) will be done within 14 days of receiving the product if the product has not been used and is in its original packaging as delivered to the buyer.

Cancellation of the transaction in accordance with the Consumer Protection Regulations (Cancellation of a Transaction), 2010-2010 and the Consumer Protection Law, 2010-1981.

Limitation of Liability

Buby Bloom  strives for all products and services on the site to be of the highest quality. If Buby Bloom receives a complaint about the quality of the products, Buby Bloom will review the complaint and will be entitled to replace the defective product and/or credit the buyer for the amount paid for that product (including the shipping cost, if no other services were ordered by the buyer in the same transaction), on at its sole discretion.

The sole responsibility for all products that are not flowers, pots, ornamental plants, flower bouquets, wines, candles, chocolates, flower arrangements, etc. and for any information or presentation made on the website regarding the essence of the products, including the names of the manufacturers, the nature of the products, the features of the products, the images of the products, etc. “B, applies to the manufacturers and/or importers and/or authorized resellers of the products, according to the laws and regulations for consumer protection and in accordance with the terms of the warranty and service certificates attached to each product/service, if attached.

The photos on the website are for illustration purposes only. It should be emphasized that in light of the fact that the images are displayed on the computer monitor and/or printed by the computer, there may be differences and changes between the appearance of the product in the image and the product in reality.

In any case, Buby Bloom’s liability, under any legal grounds whatsoever, for products mentioned in this section will not exceed the amount of consideration actually paid for the product/service ordered by the buyer. Buby Bloom and/or the owners of the website and/or its founders and/or its operators and/or its managers and/or its representatives are not responsible for the fact that the server used by the website employee will be free of viruses or other foreign components or elements that may damage or damage the personal computer of the purchaser or in other equipment of the purchaser when he enters and/or orders or services and/or uses the website. Also, Buby Bloom will not be held responsible for illegal activity on the site that is done by any buyer or any third party that is not under the control of Buby Bloom. Buby Bloom will be entitled to stop or prevent the connection or access of buyers to any part of the website or the entire website at any stage.

Website security

When performing operations on the website, the buyer will be required to enter personal details, order details, credit card details, etc. (hereinafter – the details) into the system. The owners of the site and/or who operates it and/or who manages it and/or who acts on their behalf are not responsible for the mistake made by the buyer when typing the details. Also, the aforementioned will not be directly or indirectly responsible for any liability in the event that the purchase details are not recorded in the system and/or for any technical and/or other problem that prevents operations on the site.

The operation details on the site, including the order details and the buyer’s details, will be transmitted through an encrypted security protocol accepted in electronic commerce, to the Buby Bloom data processing computer. These details will not be transferred by Buby Bloom and the website operators to external parties, except for the credit card company and suppliers, and this only in order to complete the purchase operations carried out by the buyer. Buby Bloom reserves the right to use the details provided by the buyer for the purpose of analyzing statistical information and for marketing use in the future. In this case, the data will not refer personally to the person performing the action and will not identify him.

Entering false information is a criminal offense. Legal measures will be taken against those who provide false details, including claims for damages for damages that may be caused to the site and/or to the site’s owners and/or to its operators and/or to its managers and/or to those on their behalf. In case of incorrect typing of details (including the buyer’s personal details), Buby Bloom and/or someone on his behalf reserves the right to reject the order.

Buby Bloom   will be entitled to send e-mail to the operators of the operations and contact them in writing or orally with any information regarding the operations it holds, innovations on the site, advertisements from selected commercial entities, etc., unless the buyer informs in writing that he is not interested in this.


All prices displayed on the website include VAT, unless otherwise specifically stated. The payment for the services will be charged using the credit card whose details were typed in the offer before or near the dispatch of the products to the address specified in the order. If according to the Buby Bloom policy it is possible to pay the proceeds in installments, a charge will be made accordingly (subject to the approval of the credit company). The total consideration for which the buyer will be charged appears on the “shopping basket” screen, followed by the “for purchase” screen. This amount includes all the items in the “shopping basket” including shipping costs.

Indemnification and compensation for inappropriate use of the website

Anyone who makes inappropriate use of the website undertakes to indemnify and compensate Buby Bloom and/or the owners of the website and/or its founders and/or any of its operators and/or any of its managers and/or anyone on their behalf for any claim and/or expense and/or damages of any kind and type any including legal expenses, which will be incurred by Buby Bloom or the owners of the website and/or its founders and/or any of its operators and/or any of its managers and/or anyone on their behalf.

Ownership and retention of rights

The website contains various materials, protected by copyrights, trademarks and other property rights, including content, images, graphics, etc., some of which are owned by Buby Bloom and some of which are owned by third parties. A buyer and/or surfer and/or any third party who performs operations on it may not change, publish, transmit or transfer, take part in a transfer or sale and use the site or a part of it to create a derivative work or exploit the site, and/or the content of The website, in whole or in part for any purpose, except for the purpose for which the website was created. The user undertakes not to upload (upload) to the website any information of any kind whatsoever, which violates the copyrights, trademarks and/or any other proprietary right and/or pornographic material and/or material that has a fear of defamation, etc. If the user has uploaded information and/or material as stated above, he undertakes to indemnify Buby Bloom and/or anyone on its behalf and/or the website operators for any damage and/or expense (including attorney’s fees and legal expenses) incurred as a result of his behavior The inappropriateness of the user, mentioned above.Anyone wishing to create a link to this site on other sites is required to contact Buby Bloom in writing in advance in order to obtain written approval for this, additional conditions and the place of jurisdiction. Buby Bloom will be entitled to close the website or cancel services or reduce them. Also, Buby Bloom will be entitled to change the site regulations from time to time. Any dispute between a purchaser and/or user of the website and Buby Bloom due to activity through the website will be settled in Israel in any of the courts throughout the country.